A downloadable game for Windows

game instractures:

REC: "starts" the game and shows the full game menu

Rew: resets/ changes the background

F.F: tma credits

Stop: stops the credits (cuz it's sort of long)

Play: continues the credits that you stopped

Eject: quits game

Pause: exits out of the minimized version of the table and takes one back to the zoomed in casset tape

The statements can be pressed (just the three bottom ones)

so does the lamp

Starring: The Archivist – Jonathan Sims 

Writer: Jonathan Sims 

Director / Editor: Alexander J Newall

The Magnus Archives is distributed by RustyQuill.com and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.


build.zip 28 MB

Install instructions

 download the zip file and then extract it

open the build folder and click on the "My Project.exe" application

if you get a warning when trying to open it, try and find a lil arrow pointing down which should expand the information and there should be a run anyway button 

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